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Interviu cu Amalia Mihai (Ipsen), Membru al Adunarii Generale RASCI

1. Care este prima ta amintire legata de inceputul carierei tale?

La varsta de 14 ani, am inceput instruirea practica in spital pentru a deveni asistenta medicala. Ma bucur ca de atunci am ramas intr-un fel in acelasi domeniu, al ingrijirii sanatatii pacientilor.

What is your first memory related to the beginning of your career?

When I was 14 years old, I started to train in practical skills in the hospital to become a nurse. I am happy that since then I remained somehow in the same field, of patients’ healthcare.

2. Cum s-a intersectat drumul tau cu Ipsen?

Ipsen este una din companiile de top pentru care sa lucrezi, am avut norocul sa fiu acolo la momentul potrivit si sa ma potrivesc cu cultura companiei.

How did you cross paths with Ipsen?

Ipsen is one of the top companies to work for, I had the luck to be there at the right time and just fit with the company’s culture.

3. Care sunt lectiile pe care nu le-ai invatat la scoala, dar pe care viata/experienta ti le-a oferit?

Am invatat ca la scoala intai inveti lectia, apoi primesti testul, pe cand in viata intai primesti testul, apoi inveti lectia.

What didn’t you learn “at school”, but life/ experience taught you?

I have learned that in school first you learn the lesson, then you take the test, while in life you first take the test, then you learn the lesson.

4. Daca nu ai fi facut ceea ce faci in prezent, in materie de ocupatie profesionala, ce ai fi facut si de ce?

Cred ca as fi fost medic, pentru ca imi place sa am grija de oameni.

If you did not do what you are doing right now (as a job), what would you do and why?

I believe I would have been a doctor, because I like taking care of people

5. Cum vezi transformarea industriei in urmatorii 10-20 de ani?

Cu siguranta va fi diferita: inteligenta artificiala este deja lansata, digitalizarea si centralizarea vor grabi procedurile si vor reduce birocratia. In schimb, competitia va creste, la fel si calitatea medicamentelor, asta traducandu-se in eficacitate si calitatea vietii pacientilor.

How do you see our industry transform in the next 10 to 20 years?

For sure it will be totally different: AI has already been launched, digitalization and centralizing will speed up procedures and reduce bureaucracy. Instead, competition will grow, and so will the quality of medicines, this translating into efficacy and quality of life for patients.

6. Care este sursa ta de motivatie si de buna dispozitie?

Succesul si aprecierea fac bine intotdeauna, iar daca ele intarzie sa apara, intotdeauna ajuta sa stai de vorba cu oameni pozitivi.

What is your source of motivation and good mood?

Success and appreciation are always good, but when they come late, it’s always helpful to talk to positive people.

7. Care sunt lucrurile pe care le admiri la colegii tai din industrie?

Colegii mei sunt inteligenti si competitivi, pastrandu-si mereu latura umana. Asta apreciez cel mai mult la ei. Intotdeauna te ajuta cand ai nevoie.

What do you admire at your fellow industry colleagues?

My colleagues are smart and competitive, always keeping their human side. This is what I appreciate the most about them. They are always there to help when you are in need.

8. Ce tip de lectura iti place (autori si/ sau carti favorite)? Ti-a ramas in minte una dintre cartile citite ca fiind revelatoare?

Citesc mai mult carti motivationale si de autodezvoltare. “Factfulness” de Hans Rosling este preferata mea, pentru ca demonstreaza ca lucrurile stau intotdeauna mai bine decat credem.

What do you like to read (as favorite authors and/ or books)? Do you remember a book that you read as revealing?

I mostly read motivational and self-development books. “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling is my favourite, because it demostrates that things are always better than we think.

9. Iti place sa petreci majoritatea timpului tau liber facand…

… Muncind

You like to spend most of your free time doing

… Working.

10. Te simti cel mai fericit atunci cand…

… Pot ajuta oameni.

You feel the happiest when

… I can help people.

11. Daca ai putea alege orice loc din lume pentru a trai, care ar fi acesta?

Tot Romania.

If you could choose any place in the whole world to live, what would that be?

Still Romania.

12. Un gand pentru tinerii care vor sa se alature industriei sau care sunt la inceputul carierei lor in industrie?

Le doresc sa aiba rabdare, este cea mai de pret calitate in ziua de azi.

A thought for young people who want to join in this industry or are at the beginning of their career in the industry?

I wish them to be patient, it’s the best quality nowadays.