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Str. David Praporgescu, Nr. 1-5 0721 817 174 Trimite Mail

Interviu cu Fotis Kalantzis (Perrigo), Membru al Adunarii Generale RASCI

1. Care este prima ta amintire legata de inceputul carierei tale?

Cat de mult am dorit sa ma integrez si sa ajung la nivelul celorlati angajati – nu eram impacat cu faptul ca eu eram un stagiar (si prin urmare nu la fel de bun ca si colegii mei) si astfel munceam multe ore ca sa ii pot ajunge din urma si sa acopar golul.

What is your first memory related to the beginning of your career?

How much I wanted to integrate and come at the other employees’ level – wasn’t fond of the fact that I was a trainee (and thus not as good as on top as my colleagues) and thus I was working long hours to catch up and close the gap.

2. Cum s-a intersectat drumul tau cu Perrigo?

Compania era in cautare de oameni din intreaga Europa pentru echipa de marketing. Un recrutor local m-a abordat iar restul este istorie.

How did you cross paths with Perrigo?

The company was looking for people across Europe for the corporate marketing team. A local headhunter approached me and the rest is history.

3. Care sunt lectiile pe care nu le-ai invatat la scoala, dar pe care viata/experienta ti le-a oferit?

Ca indiferent cat de bun este planul tau, lucrurile pot oricand sa ia o intorsatura neasteptata, asa ca ar fi bine sa fii pregatit.

What didn’t you learn “at school”, but life/ experience taught you?

That no matter how good the plan, things can always go south, so you better be prepared.

4. Daca nu ai fi facut ceea ce faci in prezent, in materie de ocupatie profesionala, ce ai fi facut si de ce?

Mi-ar fi placut sa fiu implicat in baschet – mai intai ca jucator si apoi ca antrenor. Motivul fiind acela ca eu cred ca este grozav sa iti transformi hoby-ul intr-o profesie.

If you did not do what you are doing right now (as a job), what would you do and why?

I would have liked to be involved in basketball – firstly as a player and then as a coach. The reason being that I think it is nice to turn your hobby into a profession.

5. Cum vezi transformarea industriei in urmatorii 10-20 de ani?

O multime de fuziuni & achizitii si o mare indreptare spre e-Commerce.

How do you see our industry transform in the next 10 to 20 years?

Plenty of mergers & acquisitions and big switch towards e-Commerce.

6. Care este sursa ta de motivatie si de buna dispozitie?

Sa devin cea mai buna versiune a mea.

What is your source of motivation and good mood?

Becoming the best version of myself.

7. Care sunt lucrurile pe care le admiri la colegii tai din industrie?

Experienta si rezilienta.

What do you admire at your fellow industry colleagues?

Experience and resilience.

8. Ce tip de lectura iti place (autori si/ sau carti favorite)? Ti-a ramas in minte una dintre cartile citite ca fiind revelatoare?

Autor: Albert Camus, Carte: The Fall, Am avut momentul meu “aha” cu aceasta carte.

What do you like to read (as favorite authors and/ or books)? Do you remember a book that you read as revealing?

Author: Albert Camus, Book: The Fall. I had my ‘’aha’’ moment with this book.

9. Iti place sa petreci majoritatea timpului tau liber facand…

Sa ma joc cu fiul meu.

You like to spend most of your free time doing

Playing with my son.

10. Te simti cel mai fericit atunci cand…

1. Ma joc cu fiul meu. 2. Vad oamenii fericiti si impliniti.

You feel the happiest when…

1. Playing with my son. 2. Seeing people happy and accomplished.

11. Daca ai putea alege orice loc din lume pentru a trai, care ar fi acesta?


If you could choose any place in the whole world to live, what would that be?


12. Un gand pentru tinerii care vor sa se alature industriei sau care sunt la inceputul carierei lor in industrie?

Sa se alature prima data industriei FMCG – daca deja s-au alaturat, ar trebui sa se asigure ca au invata

A thought for young people who want to join in this industry or are at the beginning of their career in the industry?

Join the FMCG industry firstly – if they already have, they should ensure that they have learnt enough before stepping into our industry.