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Interviu cu Răzvan Bosinceanu (Johnson & Johnson), Președinte RASCI

1. Care este prima ta amintire legata de inceputul carierei tale?

Mi-am inceput cariera in domeniul pharma in urma cu aproximativ 18 ani, lucrand pentru unul dintre cei mai mari producatori romani de medicamente, Antibiotice Iasi, prima mea amintire fiind legata de entuziasmul pe care il simteam in fata unui univers necunoscut, care parea foarte diferit fata de cel pentru care eram pregatit dupa absolvirea Facultatii de Medicina.

What is your first memory related to the beginning of your career?

I started my career in the pharma industry almost 18 years ago, working for one of the biggest Romanian drug producers, Antibiotice Iasi, my first memory being related to the excitement about the unknown universe opening in front of me, which seemed very different from the one I was prepared for after graduating the University of Medicine.

2. Cum s-a intersectat drumul tau cu Johnson & Johnson?

In 2007, am inceput sa lucrez pentru JnJ Consumer Health, lider global in industria sanatatii, cu o lunga istorie in dezvoltarea de solutii inovatoare care au influentat si schimbat pozitiv viata a milioane de pacienti si consumatori de peste tot din lume. Propunerea de a ma alatura echipei de management a venit de la fostul CHC Business Manager, cu care colaborasem cu succes deja in cateva proiecte specifice pentru acest rol.

How did you cross paths with Johnson & Johnson?

In 2007, I started working for JnJ Consumer Health, a global leader in the healthcare industry, with a long history in developing innovative solutions that have positively influenced and changed the life of millions of patients and consumers world-wide. The proposal to join the management team came from the former CHC Business Manager, with whom I already collaborated successfully in some projects specific for this role.

3. Care sunt lectiile pe care nu le-ai invatat la scoala, dar pe care viata/ experienta ti le-a oferit?

Oamenii isi pot dezvalui potentialul extraordinar intr-o cultura a colaborarii, atunci cand ii pregatesti foarte bine, cand le place ceea ce fac, cand ii ajuti sa invete din greseli si le dai incredere ca pot reusi sa dezvolte proiecte pentru care sa le fie recunoscute eforturile.

What didn’t you learn “at school”, but life/ experience taught you?

People can reveal their great potential in a culture of collaboration, when you train them well, when they enjoy what they are doing, when you help them learn from mistakes and give them confidence that they can manage to further develop specific projects for which their efforts can be recognized.

4. Daca nu ai fi facut ceea ce faci in prezent, in materie de ocupatie profesionala, ce ai fi facut si de ce?

As fi urmat probabil aceeasi cale pentru care m-am pregatit atatia ani, intr-un domeniu legat de sanatatea umana, domeniu in care evolutia tehnologiei a deschis continuu atat de multe oportunitati care nu existau acum 20 de ani.

If you did not do what you are doing right now (as a job), what would you do and why?

I would have probably followed the same path for which I trained so many years, in a field related to human health, a field in which the evolution of technology has continuously opened so many opportunities which didn’t exist 20 years ago.

5. Cum vezi transformarea industriei in urmatorii 10-20 de ani?

Industria de self-care se va dezvolta mult mai rapid in comparatie cu ultimii 20 ani, datorita in special tehnologiei si cresterii sperantei de viata. Asa cum stim, principalul obiectiv al acestei industrii este sa trateze si sa reduca simptomele diferitelor afectiuni care altfel ar putea influenta negativ activitatea zilinica. Oamenii vor cauta produse cu actiune rapida, forme inovative si confortabile de administrare, combinatii care pot trata o varietate de simptome, uramarind cat mai repede obtinerea starii de bine si prevenirea pierderii capacitatilor fizice uzuale si energiei. Pacientii si consumatorii vor fi din ce in ce mai bine informati si selectivi in alegerea brand-urilor si terapiilor, astfel intreaga industrie va trebui sa le inteleaga nevoile, sa se adapteze in consecinta si sa imbratiseze aceste schimbari, pentru a satisfice in totalitate aceste cerinte. Abilitatea de a particulariza abodarea pacientilor si consumatorilor va fi definitorie pentru succes in viitor.        

How do you see our industry transform in the next 10 to 20 years?

The self-care industry will develop at a higher pace comparing to the last 20 years, mostly due to technology and increased life expectancy. As we know, the main goal of this industry is symptomatic relief and various conditions treatment which otherwise would negatively impact the daily activity. People will search for fast relief products, innovative and comfortable administration forms, combinations that can treat a variety of symptoms with the main objective of a fast improvement of their state of well-being and prevention of the loss of normal capabilities and energy. Patients and consumers will be better informed and more selective in choosing brands and therapies, therefore the whole industry will have to understand their needs, to adapt accordingly and embrace these changes, in order to fully meet these demands. The ability to personalize consumer and patient approach will be the key for future success.

6. Care este sursa ta de motivatie si de buna dispozitie?

Familia mea, pasiunile mele si echipa cu care lucrez, pentru care intotdeauna gasesc timp.

What is your source of motivation and good mood?

My family, my passions and the team I work with, for which I always find time.

7. Care sunt lucrurile pe care le admiri la colegii tai din industrie?

Pe parcursul vietii mele profesionale am avut oportunitatea de a intalni atat profesionisti din Romania cat si din diferite regiuni ale globului, in domeniul pharma poti cunoaste oameni bine pregatiti cu experiente variate. Am invatat lectii valoaroase de la acestia. Admir profesionistii care isi pot dovedi performantele in cariera prin abilitatile si atitudinea lor.

What do you admire at your fellow industry colleagues?

During my professional life I had the opportunity to meet professionals from Romania and from different regions of the globe, as in the healthcare environment you get to know very well trained people with various expertise. I learnt valuable lessons from them. I admire professionals who can prove their career performance through their abilities and attitude.

8. Ce tip de lectura iti place (autori si/ sau carti favorite)? Ti-a ramas in minte una dintre cartile citite ca fiind revelatoare?

Imi place sa citesc diferite genuri de carti, in functie de starea pe care o am,  cu un interes particular spre biografii, istorie, medicina, tehnologie, geografie si uneori filozofie. Desi, sunt multe carti care mi-au marcat existenta, prima care imi vine in minte acum este “Supercreierul” de Deepak Chopra si Rudolph Tanzi care mi-a fost recomandata de catre tatal meu; este o carte pe care dupa ce ai citit-o prima oara o poti consulta din cand in cand ca pe un ghid si care te poate ajuta sa eliberezi potentialul neexplorat al mintii.

What do you like to read (as favorite authors and/ or books)? Do you remember a book that you read as revealing?

I like to read different kind of books, depending on the mood I am in, with a particular interest in biographies, history, medicine, technology, geography and sometimes philosophy. Even though there are many books that marked my existence, the first that comes to my mind now is “Super brain” by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi which was recommended to me by my father; it is the kind of book that after you read once you can consult from time to time as a guide and that can help you unleash your hidden brain potential.

9. Iti place sa petreci majoritatea timpului tau liber facand…

Sporturi in aer liber – pentru mine viata inseamna miscare. Iubesc spatiile deschise, prin urmare skiul, inotul, paddling, cataratul pe munte sunt doar cateva dintre activitatile mele preferate. Trebuie sa spun ca nu sunt un adept al activitatilor in spatii inchise.

You like to spend most of your free time doing…

Outdoors sports – for me life means movement. I love big spaces, therefore skiing, swimming, paddling, mountain climbing are just a few of my favorite activities. I must say that I am not a fan of indoors activities.

10. Te simti cel mai fericit atunci cand…

Ma simt cel mai fericit atunci cand, dupa un timp, ma intalnesc cu fiul meu, care studiaza si lucreaza in strainatate, in timpul vacantelor cand se reuneste familia si atunci cand calatoresc si descopar locuri noi si interesante.

You feel the happiest when…

I feel the happiest when, after a while, I meet my son who now studies and works abroad, during holidays when the family gathers together and when travelling and discovering new and interesting places.

11. Daca ai putea alege orice loc din lume pentru a trai, care ar fi acesta?

Iubesc Romania. Am calatorit si am vazut tari unde mi-as dori sa petrec mai mult timp decat doar o saptamana de vacanta, cum ar fi Franta, dar, deocamdata, alegerea mea este sa traiesc in Romania.

If you could choose any place in the whole world to live, what would that be?

I love Romania. I traveled and saw countries where I would like to spend more time than one week on vacation, like France, but for now, my choice is to live in Romania.

12. Un gand pentru tinerii care vor sa se alature industriei sau care sunt la inceputul carierei lor in industrie?

Sa fie ei insisi, sa invete de la toti cei care simt ca ii inspira si sa aiba rabdare sa-si cladeasca cariera, pas cu pas

A thought for young people who want to join this industry or are at the beginning of their career in the industry?

Be themselves, learn from everyone they consider inspiring and have patience in building their career, step by step.